This is an updated version of the popular Ecuador map by International Travel Maps. It now comes with added capsule comments a simplified road classification and a split inset map of Quito now in two parts.
There is also a very good inert map of the Galapagos Islands at a scale of 1:315,000 as well as a street map of Guayaquil city centre at a scale of 1:10,000.
This is a double-sided map printed on plastic waterproof paper, the advantage of plastic is its durable, waterproof nature, which is especially important in a hot, tropical, climate.
We can laminate this map, which will allow you to draw on it in whiteboard marker or apply map dots to locations of interest without permanently marking the map. The lamination also makes the map very durable and protects against tears and stains.
To laminate this map we have taken the folded map and flattened it out before encapsulating it in high-quality 80-micron laminate, so please be aware that there will still be slight fold lines visible.
Scale: 1:660,000
Size: 690 x 1000mm