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AUS 715 - Cape Arnhem to Cape Wessel

AUS 715 - Cape Arnhem to Cape Wessel

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Chart Number Aus715
Title Australia North Coast - Northern Territory - Cape Arnhem to Cape Wessel
Geog Location Australia
North Lat 10 51.41 S
South Lat 12 24.00 S
East Long 137 13.77 E
West Long 136 14.40 E
Scale 1:150000
Projection mercator
Pub Date 19-Mar-1971
Edition Date 29-Sep-1994

:: Notices to Mariners ::
2010 787 108
2009 1157 994 760 245
2008 847 694
2007 862 861 429 222
2006 163
2005 777 190
2004 103
2003 878 653 555 126
2002 501
2001 663 367 317
2000 365
1999 499
1998 631
1995 527 275 179 165

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